goldie goldbloom
Born in Australia, lives in Chicago,
Chassidic mother of eight. Likes to dig in the mud.
The last person you'd expect to be a novelist.
In very exciting news, On Division was chosen to be San Francisco's One Bay One Book selection for 2019- 2020.

The Paperbark Shoe


You Lose These
and other stories

[Goldie] Goldbloom, who is herself Chasidic, writes with great depth of feeling about this close community but also with humor. . . She shows the joy of belonging to a community as well as the feelings of frustration at its strictures. How can a community bind itself together? How can one person ever truly know another? Goldbloom explores complicated questions about community and individuality with humor, wit, and great sensitivity."
Reader, prepare thyself: you will soon be in Surie’s grip, and she will forever intrigue you with her fierceness and vulnerability, her honesty and self-deception, and her tender, brutal heart filled with both longing and rage. In this achingly suspenseful novel of satisfying psychological depth, Goldie Goldbloom asks what happens when the ones we know most intimately become strangers, and when one of those strangers is oneself.”
—Christopher Castellani, author of Leading Men
Goldie Goldbloom’s Surie is a character at once mythic and deeply human: a wise Chassidic elder in a youthful predicament, freighted by loss, denial, and blossoming hope. On Division is as beautiful as it is unexpected.”
—Claire Messud, author of The Burning Girl

Goldie Goldbloom promises to be one of Australia’s most important and imaginative voices of the future … a masterpiece of characterization.
… one of the most original Australian novels I’ve read for a long time … the writing has the profound lyricism and sometimes almost hallucinatory quality you find in the work of Eudora Welty... in the tradition of Patrick White and Barbara Baynton. It’s witty, poetic and has some brisk insights for our times.
Goldbloom's prose is how we are told Gwen's paintings are - rich, lovely, limpid and evocative. Somehow - dare we say it? - European - more Patrick White than Tim Winton. Read Gwen if you like your artists bohemian, your woman hungry and your worlds translucent.
Pick of the Week

I grew up in Western Australia, part of a farming family, though now I live in Chicago and teach at the University of Chicago and Northwestern University. I'm a single mother, so I took my kids to grad school with me when I was studying for my MFA at Warren Wilson. I was really blessed to be awarded a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship in 2014. In the same year, I was a Brown Foundation Fellow at Dora Maar House in France. Yeah, the kids came with me.
My writing has appeared all kinds of cool places like Ploughshares, The Kenyon Review and Prairie Schooner. Having eight children close together has taught me to grab even small amounts of time to write stories. I don't have a television or use social media very much and that helps. But still, when people ask me "How do you do it?" I often say, "Who says I do?"
For media inquiries, please contact my agent Emily Forland:
Tel: 212-840-5760| Fax: 212-840-5776|
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